Module 1 Whole foods plant-based diet.
Unit 1 Que es y sus Benefits- health (cardiovascular, HTN, cancer, diabetes, constipation, obesity), animals, environment.  
Unit 2 Difference between vegan and plant-based diet  
Unit 3 Los errores más comunes durante la transición  
Unit 4 Que esperar cuando se hace la transición (cambios en el intestino, cambios en los sabores, hambre, no encontrar soporte de familia y amigos, falta de conocimientos en la cocina)  
Unit 5 How to build a healthy plate  
Module 2 Plant based protein
Unit 1 Importance of Protein  
Unit 2 Recommended protein intake  
Unit 3 How to read labels- find protein content in labels  
Module 3 Carbohydrates
Unit 1 Hierarchy of carbohydrates  
Unit 2 Benefits of eating carbohydrates  
Unit 3 Fiber and benefits, recommended intake  
Unit 4 How to read label- understand sugar content in packaged foods  
Module 4 Vitamins and Minerals
Unit 1 Key nutrients in a planta based diet: Vitamin D, B12, iron, zinc, calcium, omega 3, iodine  
Module 5 Culinary substitutes (list of common substitutes) and stocking a vegan pantry. )If it´s in your house, is in your mouth)
Unit 1 How to veganize recipes  
Unit 2 Diary  
Unit 3 Meats  
Unit 4 Fish  
Unit 5 Eggs  
Unit 6 Honey  
Module 6 Habit changing
Unit 1 Discovery of blocks or barriers  
Unit 2 Goal settings  
Unit 3 Habit modifications  
Unit 4 Tips for difficult situations (social events, eating out)  
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